Discovery International Geophysics New AT44s

Discovery International Geophysics employed a pair of Arctic Trucks AT44 F-350 trucks at a nickel mine in Northern Quebec this season.   Discovery required safe, comfortable, and efficient transport of staff and equipment around the mine site and off-road into the tundra to support mineral exploration from October to May each year.   Arctic Truck’s AT44 vehicles […]

Whitehorse Motors becomes first Arctic Trucks Distributor in North America

Arctic Trucks and Whitehorse Motors have signed an agreement for the distribution of Arctic Trucks Ford-based vehicle conversions, making Whitehorse Motors the first authorized distributor of Arctic Trucks products in North America. Whitehorse Motors, located in Whitehorse, YT, Canada, will offer Arctic Trucks’ uniquely capable products exclusively throughout the province. Arctic Trucks’ North American operations […]


Arctic Trucks.
World Records & Awards.

First tire-based vehicle to drive on the Antarctica plateau (1996)

First tire-based vehicle to cross Greenland ice cap (1999)

First tire-based vehicle to reach Magnetic North Pole (2007)

Fastest overland journey from Novo to South Pole – 2,308km (2010)

Over 370,000 km covered across Antarctica’s high plateau

Fastest overland journey from Patriot Hills to South Pole – 1,100km (2011)

Longest distance expedition in polar history (2011-12)

Walking with the Wounded to South Pole with Prince Harry (2013)

First South to North return crossing of Greenland ice cap (2018)

First polar expedition in a Ford: Yellowknife to Resolute in March of 2022

The only company to have operated 4X4 vehicles on both the North and South Pole

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